Executive Director | Intelliversity
Mr. Kramarz will offer a fresh approach, using advanced social psychology, to efficiently gaining private funding of technology businesses, especially for those ventures wisely riding waves of social and technology trends. This approach has been highly successful for dozens of clients, leveling the playing field and in fact giving them control over the funding process. Whereas the odds of getting funding from VCs and angels is under 5% without such an advantage, the approach Mr. Kramarz teaches raises your odds above 50%. This unique approach to funding has the added value of transforming founders’ leadership and sales skills. Giving credit where due, this unique approach to funding, which is called “Fast Track to Funding” as part of the larger field of the “Science of Funding” was developed in conjunction with input from George Kenney founder of VC Shepherd Ventures, Ravi Bhola co-founder of Intelliversity, Wall Street guru Arthur Lipper (Intelliversity’s Board of Advisor’s Chairman and publisher of _Venture Magazine_), with further insights gained from Oren Klaff author of _Pitch Anything_, Harvard professor Noam Wasserman, author of _The Founders’ Dilemmas_, Donald Miller, author of _Building A Story Brand_, Verne Harnish, author of _Scaling Up_, whose conclusions were based on research of over 35,000 companies, and Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies and Founders Fund and author of _The Diversity Myth_ and _Zero to One_. Fast Track to Funding was refined through Mr. Kramarz’s and Mr. Kenney’s own investment successes and research carried out by Intelliversity. Fast Track to Funding measurably works. This session will brief attendees with the basic principles and methods of the Fast Track to Funding. Once attendees realize that this science is available to them, they will be well positioned to seek more information from a variety of independent sources which Mr. Kramarz will name. Mr. Kramarz can’t promise that attendees will be able to go out and immediately apply all of the principles and methods of the Fast Track to Funding, but applying any one of them will generate immediate and noticeable results. Attendees might expect to experience a shorter time to funding overall, a much higher rate of call backs and second meetings, shorter and less arduous due-diligence, and higher valuations. On a contextual level, attendees will experience themselves as in control of the funding process as they become the sought-after party rather than on their knees seeking investor largess.