CEO & President | Service Robotics & Technologies
Dr. Gregory Scott, PhD is the President & CEO of Service Robotics & Technologies, a software integration company bringing service robots and IoT systems to the building management and custodial services industries. Before founding SRT, Greg spent 6 years as an Space Roboticist at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC., developing software and robotic systems for space and the underwater environment. He managed $10M in research and development projects for DARPA, Office of Naval Research, and NASA, advancing robotics technologies in various government sectors. Prior to that, he worked as a Flight Design Engineer with the United Space Alliance, the NASA contractor responsible for launching and operating the Space Shuttle and International Space Station. During his time there, he worked in NASA’s Mission Control Center, helping to ensure safe launch operations for several Space Shuttle missions.
He received his PhD in Space Robotics at University of Surrey, and did his PhD research in the area of space robotics and the study of locomotion of biologically-inspired vehicles on planetary soils. The title of his thesis was: Steps towards characterising legged microrover performance on compressible planetary soils. His MSc research in Space Architecture at University of Houston was based around the study of traditional architectural theory and applying it to habitable space systems. The focus of his MSc thesis was on the development of a sustainable human settlement on Mars. He received his BSc in Aerospace Engineering at Penn State University. The primary focus of his coursework was spacecraft engineering, spacecraft design, satellite controls, and other space-related classes. He also completed the Engineering Leadership Development Minor.