Press Registration
Conference registration fees may be waived for members of the working press who wish to attend the Robotics Summit & Expo. As part of your registration, your credentials will be reviewed by a member of The Robot Report team.
The Robotics Summit defines “working press” as reporters, writers, editors, publishers, photographers, videographers, news artists, or webmasters who work for or produce publications, news services, broadcast outlets, or news websites that are issued regularly and primarily for the dissemination of news, and who will be attending the event for news reporting purposes.
The Robotics Summit reserves the right to deny a press badge to any person who does not regularly provide visible news coverage, at the discretion of the Robotics Summit staff.
If you are interested in a press registration, contact Steve Crowe at with the following information:
- Name
- Title
- Company
- Phone
- Address
- Include a link or attach recent news coverage