Keynote Presentations
Wednesday, October 2
AI to the Rescue: The Future of Advanced Robotics in Manufacturing

Howie Choset, Professor | Carnegie School of Computer Science
The speaker will share his perspective on the following:
- Why U.S. manufacturing is falling behind Asia and Europe and what steps need to be taken to reverse this trend.
- The factors no one can predict where we are and where we will end up.
- How the democratization of robots will transform the industry.
Thursday, October 3
State of the Industry: What Will the Robotics and AI Landscape Look Like by 2025?

Keith Shaw, Editor in Chief | Robotics Business Review
Doug Olson, President | Harmonic Drive LLC
Georg Stieler, Managing Director | Stieler Enterprise Management Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
James Kuffner, CEO | Toyota Research Institute Advanced Development, Inc.
John McElligott, CEO | York Exponential
Each panelist will share their perspective on current market trends, challenges and opportunities, and the short and long-term implications for the industry and the predictions on where the industry will be by 2025. Points to be covered:
- Workforce changes and training: why does the market continue to be fixated on workforce changes and what can be done to turn this fixation into a positive vibe?
- How can the industry show the positive implications of human-robot integration?
- What steps do different markets need to take to remain competitive in their own national markets and internationally?
- Why are so many robotics companies failing?
- In your opinion, what do you see as the most growing industry vertical markets?
- There is a lot of discussion about aerial systems as major growth areas (unmanned cars vs. planes) which one do you think we will ride first?
Thursday, October 3
Robots to the Rescue

Robin Murphy, Raytheon Professor of Computer Science and Engineering | Texas A&M University
Dr. Robin R. Murphy will share how ground, aerial, and marine robots have been used in surprising ways since 2001 to assist with emergency management situations.
Thursday, October 3
Robots Save the Environment

Adam Cantor, Director of Engineering | Robots in Service of the Environment
From global environmental disasters and invasive species, to the pollution of the world’s oceans, humans are playing a significant role in our planet’s future. We live in an era of great technological and scientific development. It is time to bring these tools to the table and make a difference!
Thursday, October 3
Moving Beyond Engineering: Why Diversity is Essential for Success

Tessa Lau, CEO | Dusty Robotics
Erin Bishop, Director of Business Development | Sense Photonics
Kristen Moore, CMO | inVia Robotics
Deborah Theobald, CEO | Vecna Technologies, Inc.
A group of renowned roboticists share their viewpoints on the robotics industry, how it’s evolving, and why talent diversity is essential for creating the products for tomorrow.