Call for Presentations Open

The robotics and automation sector’s premier business development event seeks sessions that highlight commercial opportunities for robotics solution providers, and speak to robotics and business ‘innovation’ in all its forms.

The RoboBusiness Conference & Exposition is seeking thought-provoking sessions delivered by compelling speakers for each of the four tracks listed below. Please note specific requirements for session submittals. The deadline for submitting presentations is March 6, 2020.


Identifying Opportunities Track

Submissions for the Identifying Opportunities Track should emphasize the identification and prioritization of the best commercial opportunities for robotics solutions now and in the future, as well as speak to the business, social, political trends and other factors driving the global robotics sector. Sample topics include:

  • Robotics Adoption Trends
  • Opportunity Landscaping
  • Research Commercialization
  • Digitalization Strategies
  • Career Development
  • Import / Export Strategies
  • Political & Social Drivers
  • Design & Engineering Services
  • More


Exploiting Technologies Track

Sessions proposals for the Exploiting Technologies Track should address the latest enabling technologies that are available to the developer of commercial robotics systems, and how they can be utilized to design, develop, test, deploy and manage commercial robotics solutions. Representative topics include:

  • Sensors & Sensing
  • AI & Machine Learning
  • Actuators, Motion & Mobility
  • Materials & Componentry
  • Microprocessors / SoCs
  • Standards & Standardization
  • ROS & Open Source Solutions
  • Communications / Networking
  • Design & Development Tools
  • More


Driving Business Track

Speaking requests for the Driving Business Track should highlight the critical information regarding business development, investment and partnership opportunities specific to producers of commercial class robotics solutions, as well as best practices for running robotics companies more efficiently. Representative topics in Driving Business Track include:

  • Investment Trends
  • Funding Sources
  • Startup Nurturing
  • Legal & IP Services
  • Workforce Development
  • Partnership Development
  • Robotics Innovation Clusters
  • Governmental Agencies & NGOs
  • More


Transforming Industries Track

One key theme for RoboBusiness 2020 is the identification and prioritization of the best commercial opportunities for robotics products and services going forward. To be considered for inclusion in the Transforming Industries Track, submitted sessions must highlight the key challenges and gating factors, and hence the foremost opportunities, specific to a given vertical market segment. Sessions delivered by representatives from end user companies (as opposed to solution providers) will be given preference. Example vertical markets include:

  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Agriculture
  • Public Safety & Security
  • Home & Lawn
  • Construction & Demolition
  • Energy & Mining
  • Healthcare & QoL
  • More


For a more detailed description of RoboBusiness Conference & Expo tracks, please click here.


Speaker Benefits
All speakers receive a complimentary full registration, granting admission to all keynotes, general sessions, panels and special events, including all breakfasts, lunches and receptions. In addition, speakers receive complimentary guest registrations up to two attendees.


Entry Deadline
The Call for Presentations is March 6, 2020.


Additional Information
For additional information or questions regarding speaking opportunities at RoboBusiness, please contact Dan Kara at For RoboBusiness sponsorship opportunities, contact Courtney Seel at

Thank you for your interest in participating in this exciting and valuable conference event!

What are the key enabling technologies for producing commercial robotics solutions? What is leading edge? What’s next?

What technologies are emerging from laboratories and into the open market that can assist in the development of new robotics systems?

What is the state of the art in design and development tools for the production of commercial robotics solutions?

How are robotics solutions being adopted? What are the expected trends going forward?

How can industry stakeholders anticipate change, avoid threats, and exploit opportunities for new robotics technologies and applications?

What are the key political and social trends driving the robotics sector? What are the resultant opportunities? What are the risks?

What are the latest investment and funding trends and how can my company benefit from them?

Whom should I partner with and where should I locate my robotics company?

How can you drive business value using robotics and automation?

What are the best practices for attracting, hiring and retaining employees?

What are the critical business and technical challenges facing my industry?

What are the opportunities resulting from these challenges?

What are the opportunities that can best be addressed by innovative robotics, products and services?