An international robotics business development and innovation event located in the Heart of Silicon Valley
Rapid Expansion
Driven by innovative research and the availability of powerful, low-cost enabling technology, the development and use of robotics and robotic technologies to improve the production delivery of goods and services is increasing rapidly in vertical markets as widely ranging as healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, defense, transportation and more. Evidence for this growth comes from many sources, including the amount of column inches dedicated to robotics issues in business, technical and academic publications, the number of conferred undergraduate and graduate robotics degrees (and the ongoing demand for a robotics engineers), as well as other ‘soft’ indicators that are difficult to qualify, but real nonetheless.
Investment is one key indicator of an active market and the commercial viability of individual companies. Investment is a statically measurable, and recent dramatically increasing levels of investment speak to a very robust robotics sector, particularly for new commercial launches. As such, it is clear that the robotics sector has truly ‘arrived’.

But a Rocky Road For Some
While the robotics sector continues to expand, it is also true that many robotics start-ups, as well as robotics initiatives in established companies, have stalled or fallen to the wayside. The reasons for the difficulties very and includes the inability to raise funding, mismatch between markets requirements and delivered systems, missed opportunities, workforce issues and more. Robotics development itself is very challenging, requiring the mastery of multiple disciplines – primarily software development, mechanical and electrical engineering. It is widely recognized in the robotics community and elsewhere that the complexity and difficulty of robotics development has stifled robotics innovation and slowed the rate of commercialization efforts. As robotics technologies become more complicated, as they surely will, these engineering challenges will only increase.
Reimagining Robotics Events
The factors driving (and hindering) the robotics sector are multivariate and their interplay is complex. As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, conferences supporting the robotics community should reflect this fact, to go beyond the standard approaches and the typical ‘supplier push’ and ‘end-user pull’ interactions common to an earlier era of robotics events. Conferences should also take a ‘whole cloth’ approach, highlighting how various determinants – ongoing technological innovation, political and social drivers, business and investment trends, and more – act in confluence to accelerate robotics innovation and commercialization efforts.

A Reimagined Robotics Events
The RoboBusiness Conference & Expo has been reimagined and tuned in just this way, to better serve RoboBusiness attendees, as well as the robotics sector as a whole. The event is specifically designed to reveal the most impactful research advances, identify the most promising opportunities, illustrate the leading technical, business and investment tends, as well as highlight public and private sector robotics business development initiatives designed to support robotics innovation and sector growth. At RoboBusiness attendees will also learn about the latest tools, technologies and techniques for robotics design and development, and have hands-on access to the latest robotics enabling technologies. Equally important, attendees can meet with other robotics professionals to celebrate successes, share insights, and discuss robotics business opportunities and partnerships.
Driving Business, Driving the Robotics Sector
The RoboBusiness Conference & Expo provides members of the robotics, automation and intelligent systems value chain with the deep analysis, informed guidance and peer networking opportunities they need to transform their businesses and improve society through robotics innovation. RoboBusiness provides a unique and unparalleled forum for the global robotics sector to come to together in one place, at one time, to exchange information, share best practices, and uncover new opportunities for companies developing or utilizing robotics solutions, as well as those pursuing investment, providing funding and seeking partnerships.